Saturday, February 7, 2009

In The Nomads' blog titled "Dear America" the author criticized President Bush, President Obama and our government in general. Since I wasn't able to leave a comment, after I had already written my comment, due to the fact that only team members are allowed to comment, I decided to create this blog. In this blog I am going to display my blog critiques/comments to blogs that I was unable to comment on, for whatever the reason may be. So below is the comment that I had written in response to the blog titled "Dear America." The blog address is the title of this post.

Hi, I hear what you are saying about the problems we are facing and I agree that President Bush left us with an incredible challenge on many fronts. And I don't necessarily agree with congress bailing out all of these banks and companies. I don't and probably won't agree with every decision President Obama has made/is making. But at least President Obama is trying to do something. My question to you is, what do you expect him to do? What do you think would fix our current economic crisis? Personally, after seeing how the banks got bailed out for taking out too many loans or giving too many loans, however you want to look at it, I want my bail out for my stupid spending spree. Is that what we should be doing? Bailing out consumers? I don't know, but I think if you are going to criticize the system, you should have a solution of your own and allow readers to comment!

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